Saturday, December 28, 2019

Flood Types and Classifications in U.S

Floods that occur in the United States and abroad can be classified in multiple ways. Theres no steadfast rule for categorizing  flooding along a floodplain or after a tropical cyclone. Instead, broad types of flood labels are applied to any type of water inundation that results in damages. Flooding is one of the most dangerous types of all natural disasters. Flash Floods Floods can be most broadly classified as either river floods or flash floods. The main difference is in the onset of the flooding. With flash floods, there is often little warning that flooding will occur. With river flooding, communities can prepare as a river nears its flood stage.   Flash floods are usually the most lethal. Heavy downpours, often in mountainous highlands, can lead to surges of water that turn dry river beds or flood plains into raging torrents  within minutes. Local communities usually have little time to flee to higher land, and homes and other property in the waters path can be totally destroyed. Vehicles crossing roadways that are dry or barely wet in one moment can be swept away in the next. When roads and railways are made impassable, delivery of aid can become much more difficult. Slow Onset Floods   Slow onset floods, such as those that hit Bangladesh almost every year, can also be lethal but they tend to give people much more time to move to higher ground. These floods are a result of surface water runoff. Flash floods can also be the result of surface water runoff, but the terrain is a larger factor in the severity of the flood. They often occur when the ground is already saturated and simply cannot absorb any more water. When deaths occur during slow onset floods, they are much more likely to come about due to disease, malnutrition or snakebites. Floods in China displaced tens of thousands of snakes into neighboring areas in 2007, increasing the risk of attacks. Slower floods are also less likely to sweep away property, although it may still be damaged or destroyed. Areas are likely to remain under water for months at a time. Storms, tropical cyclones, and other maritime extreme weather can also produce deadly storm surges, as happened in New Orleans in 2005 after Hurricane Katrina, Cyclone Sidr in November 2007, and Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar in May 2008. These are most prevalent and dangerous along the coasts and near large bodies of water. Detailed Flood Types There are numerous other ways to classify floods. Many types of floods are a result of the location of the rising waters or other environmental factors. FEMA has a broad classification of flood types as follows: Riverine floodsUrban floodsGround failures, such as dam breaksFluctuating lake levelsCoastal flooding and erosion In addition, flooding can result from ice jams, mine accidents, and tsunamis. Remember that there are no steadfast rules for determining exactly what type of flood may be associated with any given area. Getting flood insurance and following the guidelines for flood safety are critical to keeping yourself, your family, and your property safe during a flood event.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Security Vulnerability Of Information Technology - 1116 Words

This paper explores the most significant security vulnerability that information technology (IT) professionals face in the future. It provides definitions, dissimilarities between vulnerabilities, risks, threats, and risk along with real-world examples of each. This conclusion is the result of several research reports from various sources, to include IT professionals such as the Apple Developers who propose that there are several variations of vulnerabilities which exist, Microsoft, and The Certified Ethical Hackers Guide. This paper also examines four variations of vulnerabilities described in various articles reports, and websites and gives real world examples of each. These descriptions and examples also define as well as illustrate the vulnerabilities albeit each article has its own conviction as to what the greatest security vulnerability is facing IT professionals. Nevertheless, all vulnerabilities have a commonality discussed in the IBM Security Services 2014 Cyber Securi ty Intelligence Index (2014). The IBM Security Services 2014 Cyber Security Intelligence Index establishes the correlation between the variations in vulnerabilities: Humans and human error. Keywords: vulnerability, human error, cybersecurity, breach An adage states, â€Å"A chain is only as strong as its weakest link† (Reid, 1850). Cybersecurity, a derivative of the word cyberspace, is a term devised by science fiction author, William Gibson. The term which he used, â€Å"consensualShow MoreRelatedU.s. Department Of Homeland Security1668 Words   |  7 Pages1. Purpose Among one of the missions of The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is to protect and preserve the security of the Cyberspace in the country. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Impact of the Financial Crisis on Financial Institutions and Businesse

Questions: 1. Subprime mortgage crisis is an example of a financial crisis that affected global markets worldwide. Give another example of a financial crisis in your discussions below.à ¢Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã‚  Discuss the possible causes of the financial crisis. à ¢Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã‚  Discuss the impact of the financial crisis on financial institutions and businesses elsewhere including your own country.à ¢Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã‚  Explain how the financial crisis affected the economies of different countries. 2. NAB Ltd current share price is $30 and it has just paid a $1.50 dividend. Dividends of NAB are expected to grow at the rate of 5% per year. A. What is an estimated return that shareholders of NAB expect to earn?B. NAB Ltd also has preference share outstanding that pays fixed dividend of $2.30 per share. If preference stock is currently priced at $25, what is the return that preference share holders expect to earn?C. Five years ago NAB Ltd issued 15 year bond with face value of $1000 and coupon rate of 9%. The pr ice of these bonds is currently is $950. What is NABs pre-tax and after-tax cost of debt?D. NAB Ltd has 5000,000 ordinary shares outstanding and 1,500,000 preference shares outstanding, and its equity has a total book value of $50,000,000. Its liability has a book value of $25,000,000. If NABs ordinary and preference shares are priced as in parts (A) and (B) above, what is the market value of NABs assets?E. What is weighted average cost of capital (WACC) F. If NABs liability increase by 100%. How the increase in liability will affect WACC of NAB. Explain. Answers: Introduction A circumstance in which the estimation of the FIs i.e. financial institutions or resources drops quickly. A financial crisis is frequently connected with a frenzy or a run on the banks, in which financial specialists auction resources or withdraw cash from bank accounts with the desire that the estimation of those advantages will drop in the event that they stay at a financial organization. Causes Over excess leverage is at the point of convergence of financial crisis, by definition. The leverage goes past the reports of accounting. The leverage is linked inside the components of the balance sheet, for instance, subsidiaries. Moreover unsafe concealed leverage is embedded in the securities that are organized. There is no direct leverage accounting, so obliging it is confounding and past the skill of authorities to profitably compose into law, and beyond the limit of controllers to regulate as understood. The fundamental game plan is to force in a general sense higher capital necessities, purposeful needless excess, seeing and enduring the results, which are far less destructive than the financial crisis. By then let the business understand how to upgrade accounting and straightforwardness that will enable more empowerment, yet still sufficient, necessities of the capital. Like power, liquidity dumbfounds i.e. crediting long and borrowing short must be altogether diminished. Th e Basel III proportions for liquidity are a discriminating battle to watch. In not a solitary profession, there are such express conflicts of endured investment (Boorman, 2009). Undoubtedly the administration business of the advantage inside store is frightened, as are various "out-dated" lenders. Driving the budgetary business to pick a line of business and customer sort to serve will handle the issue of clash while upgrading system adaptability as a result of the extended differences of firms. The expense strategy has a discriminating impact on the stream and expense of capital and the assessment code as it impacts the needs of money. There is a prerequisite of an essentially more dynamic assessment additions identified with duty that has the effect of enabling bona fide long haul venture over transient theory. The valuable treatment of duty as per the conveyed venture is absurd. The cash related system has extended. The consequences of this specific point of view of perspective r un wide and significant as exemplified by the example of the stock exchanges. In case the trades were grasped to be, and spoken to as a cabin, there is simply no possibility of a reasonable basic culture that would help high repeat of exchanging which benefits a couple inside the cost of diminished system versatility. Impacts The most noticeably bad effect of financial crisis on Australia is examined inside this part. The clearest impact of the monetary emergency inside the household units in Australia was the incomprehensible lessening in the equity prices, which diminished the plenitude of the families in Australia by very nearly 10% by March 2009. Then again, taking after the trough in businesses of value in March 2009, the adjacent business had recovered an expansive allotment of its rot before the end of November 2009. The Australian dollar furthermore decayed rapidly and sizeably as with the increment in value, declining by in overabundance of 30% from July 2009 onwards. Around the time of the Lehman bankruptcy, conditions in the remote trade business were particularly illiquid, affecting the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) to mediate in the business segment to update liquidity. Since March 2009, as explanations behind alert diminished, the Australian dollar for the most part recovered, reflecting the relative nature of the Australian economy. The credit and currency market inside Australia have moreover wound up being stronger than in various diverse countries, obliging essentially less intervention by the Reserve bank of Australia than happened in various distinctive countries. In tremendous part this reflected the soundness of the Australian keeping cash structure(lannuzzi, 2010) . The Australian banks had practically no possessions of the "harmful" securities that truly impacted other overall banks. The soundness of the keeping money framework inside Australia supported the adequateness of the financial and fiscal reaction, particularly by allowing a huge piece of the generous encouraging in monetary plan to be passed through to premium rates on credits to the family units and glaring contrast, a unique distinction to the conclusion in other created economies. An examination of the result of amazing financial crisis shows significant and persevering results at the costs of advantages, livelihood and yield. The ascent in unemployment and costs of lodging declines reach out for five and six years, separately. The retreats are for all intents and purpose always joined by colossal augmentations in an obligation for government. The crises unfavourably influence sovereign unwavering quality, as reflected in higher risk premium. The overall nature of the present crisis will make it altogether more troublesome for a few countries to create out through extended fares. The log jam development is upgraded in product markets of the world, as various creating markets face steep abatements in their terms of trade. In case true samples hold, showing an association obligation emergencies and keeping money for the sovereign defaults or restructurings in creating markets will most likely touch base at an end, particularly if the recovery plan on the planet's greatest economies is deferred(Chong, 2010). 2. A. 1.5/estimated return-0.05 = 30 1.5 = 30x estimated return 1.5 3 = 30x estimated return Estimated return =3/30 = 0.1 = 10% B. 2.5/preference return-0.05 = 25 2.5 = 25 x preference return -1.25 2.5+1.25 = 25x preference return 25x preference return = 3.75 Preference return = 3.75/25 Preference return = 0.15 = 15% C. Coupon = 0.09 x 1000 = $90 per year. 950 = (90 / r) [1-(1+r) ^ (-15)]+ [1000/ (1+r)^15] 0.096 x (0.7) =0.0672= 6.72% D. Liabilities = $25000000 C.S = 30x5000, 000 = 150000000 P.S = 25 x 1500000 = 37500000 TMV of NABs assets = $212500000 E. Cost of equity = 1.575/30 + 5 per cent = 10.35% Weighted Average Cost of Capital = ((187500000/187500000) +25000000 * 0.1025) + ((25000000/187500000+25000000 * 0.0672)) Weighted Average Cost Of Capital = 9.8% F. With the increase in liability by 100%, the total liabilities equal 2x25000000 = $50000000 Weighted average cost of capital = ((187500000/187500000) +50000000 x 0.1025) + ((50000000/187500000+50000000 x 0.0672)) WACC = 9.5% Bibliography Boorman, J., 2011. The Current Financial Crisis: Its Origins, Its Impact, and the Needed Policy Response. Global Journal Of Emerging Market Economies, 1(2), pp. 127-135. Chong, J. K. S., 2010. Anticipating and dealing with financial crisis. Management Decision, 36(10), pp. 637-640. lannuzzi, E., 2010. Global financial crisis: causes and perspectives. EuroMed Journal of Business, pp. 279-297.